Sunday, June 28, 2020

4th Sunday after Pentecost

The Congregation at Worship

Centering Scripture: Psalm 22: 1-14
Scripture is available by clicking here




We come together today to affirm our oneness in the Lord our God.
We affirm our oneness with the members of our family.
They who love brother or sister or father or mother more than me, says the Lord, are not worthy of me.
We affirm our oneness with all the citizens of our nation.
They who love their country more than me, says the Lord, are not worthy of me.
We affirm our oneness with all other Christians.
They who love their religion more than me, says he Lord, are not worthy of me.
All: Give us the courage, O God, to take up the cross and follow you in the spirit of Jesus.

* OPENING HYMN “Make Me a Captive, Lord” No. 421
  Music is available by clicking here

EPISTLE READING Romans 6: 12-23
    Scripture is available by clicking here

O God of Christ, in Jesus you came into the midst of the Galileans as one of them. He lived among them as a neighbor. He spoke to them as a friend. He welcomed them as members of his family. And he treated them as brothers and sisters. Come now into our midst, dear God, as Jesus entered Galilee, and give us the grace to welcome you as neighbor, friend, and parent.


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

That circling the sun, there is a planet which we call earth, our first, wonderful home.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That the earth is full of loving gifts, beautiful scenes, and complex creatures.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That from earliest days God spoke to people and called them into faith and service.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That God’s people are called to be friends of the earth and stewards of its bounty.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That God came uniquely to us in Christ Jesus, bearing our sins and healing our diseases.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That we belong to a community called the church, where Christ lives on in love.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That no evil can finally win out against God, and that complete reconciliation is assured.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That through Christ’s ministry even death has lost its sting and the grave its victory.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.
That we are surrounded by a crowd of heavenly friends, whose lives are hid with Christ.
Give thanks to the Lord who is good, whose mercies last forever.

The word “Welcome” is in Jesus’ teaching this week. Good manners now are if someone says, “Thank you,” we’re supposed to say, “You’re welcome,” but Jesus is talking about lots more. We don’t have people visiting us right now, but when someone visits our home we make them feel right at home. When we have visitors at our church we want them to feel like special friends. Who do you want to welcome? Maybe you can welcome parents or grandparents into your room with a big hug for reading your favorite storybook. Maybe you can welcome a good friend either to a get together on phone or online or soon, at home. What will you say to welcome someone in Jesus’ name? Ask each other and then ask Jesus to bless the ones you talked about and even the strangers you meet in the future.

WORSHIP WITH TITHES AND OFFERINGS may be mailed to the church with thanks to you and our Lord. As you do so, pray, “All things come of thee of God, and of thine own have we given thee.”

GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 10: 40-42
    Scripture is available by clicking here

SERMON Rev. David Harper
Message from Rev Harper is available by clicking here

CLOSING HYMN “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” No. 361
Music is available by clicking here

Go out with the Gospel ringing in your ears, with joy flooding your heart, with a spring energizing your step, and with love flowing through your hands.
Yes, with love in our hands, joy in our hearts, and a spring in our step.

The Lover of the universe will uphold you, the Savior of the lost will enfold you; the Spirit of truth will mold you, now and evermore,
Yes, now and evermore. Amen!